The Way Youth Leaders are Engaging Youth With The Gospel Is Not Working

This is evidenced by the 1.2 million youth leaving every year.

We create resources that help youth workers have biblically faithful, culturally relevant, meaningful conversations with their youth. 

Together, we can see urban youth fully embrace and embody the gospel as they lead in the world.

Reframing The Scriptures For The Next Generation

  • Holistic & Integrated

    Reaching today’s youth requires us to care about “all the things.” From theology, psychology and philosophy to emotions, thinking and practicality. And beyond!

  • Conversational

    GenZers are ready to talk. The youth ministries who make the greatest impact cultivate an environment of transparency, engagement and feedback.

  • Gospel-Centered

    Transformation requires a Gospel that’s personal, relevant and compelling. Personal — in what it means for individuals. Relevant — in how it matters for today. Compelling — in the way it calls us to action.

  • Culturally Relevant

    If we’re talking about the Bible without showing kids how it relates to their life, then we’re missing the mark on relevance — and likely reinforcing their underwhelm toward Christianity with generic remixes of the same old messages.

What Youth Leaders Are Saying About Reframe

How It Works

  • Say no to the status quo.

    (You’re here to achieve something extraordinary. So common won’t cut it. It’s true what they say: “What we don’t need is more regular.”)

  • Choose your product.

    (It’s not just what you say but also how you say it. Give sermons youth actually care about. Be relatable. Be relevant. Be real.)

  • Consume. Communicate. Connect.

    (You’ve got our tools. So get ready to level up. Join a movement of youth pastors on the front lines of change. Help make YMs the most exciting– and transformative – place to be.)

Truth In The Trenches